Father Jeremiah O'Callaghan visited the area of Underhill in 1833, celebrating Mass at the Michael Barrett residence, in Fletcher, where the Barretts lived before moving to Underhill. He also visited many other hillside farms of Irish immigrant settlers at that time.
On November 15-16, 1853, less than ten days after his installation, Bishop Louis DeGoesbriand journeyed to Underhill, ministering to the 63 Catholic families living there. The congregation of St. Thomas remained a mission of Burlington until 1865 when it was attached to Richmond.
A wooden church was built in Underhill, in 1856. It was blessed by Bishop DeGoesbriand on December 14, 1856. Then, in 1866, the church was renovated and expanded. That same year there were 53 Baptisms, 50 First Communions and five marriages.
The wooden structure of St. Thomas Church burned in 1889. Construction began immediately for the brick church we presently occupy. Mass was celebrated for the first time in the basement of the new church on Christmas Eve 1891. This new church, our present church, underwent many minor renovations as pastors came and went.
In 1989 while Father Jean-Paul Laplante was pastor, major renovations, interior and exterior, were accomplished in preparation for the Church's Centennial 1991 celebration.
A History of St. Thomas Church Underhill Center Vermont 1891-1991
The Windows of St. Thomas Church
Windows Lecture at Rawson Library by Prof. John Michael McKnight, Ph. D.